Tuesday 27 December 2011

Weekly Treats! Chase & House of Mystery

The important thing to be aware of this week is that the delivery will be later.  It's actually going to be arriving on Thursday morning so it won't be on sale until lunchtime.  With that said, let's take a very quick look at what exactly those naughty Bank Holiday gremlins are making us wait an extra day and few hours for.

Chase (DC) is written by D. Curtis Johnson and one JH Williams III and has the added attraction of showcasing a heavy dose of Williams' early illustration work.  Released in 1997/8 this book collects the entire run about Cameron Chase who carries a loathing for super-powered folk due to a personal history with them and works as an Agent for the Department of Extranormal Operations who just happen to have jurisdiction over superheroes.  Think Alias meets Gotham central but pre-dating them both by a few years and we have one of those ground-level, outside-the-circle titles that always go down well.

Also worth noting is the release of House of Mystery vol. 7 (DC) the nicely balanced series featuring short stories as well as a larger narrative.  This volume features work by writers including Matthew Sturgess (of course), Peter Milligan and Mike Carey and artists include David Lloyd, Michael Allred and Darwyn Cooke.

For the Weekly Treats there's quite a decent spread (see full list under the Features tab above).  Marvel have managed to find themselves releasing two issues of Captain America #5 & 6 but with Alan Davis joining the gang who can say no?  No chance of the same double-shipping ever happening on a Mark Millar title as Kick-Ass 2 #6 hits the shelves on a rocket.  And excellent, high-concept, done-in-one superhero/sci-fi in the shape of Secret Avengers #20 which spotlights Black Widow this issue.  The DC 52 Juggernaut rolls on with David Finch's muscular Batman: Dark Knight #4 and Superman #4 promises not only the origin of Supes' new foes but - get this - their link to Action Comics.  Finally Spaceman #3 featuring space pirates and drugs - don't deny they weren't on your Christmas list.

1 comment:

  1. Damn, need to get me them new Captain America ones. Check out my site! last-panel.blogspot x


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