Weekly Treats! AvX is turning out to be something of hit for Marvel both in critical and sales terms. Avengers Vs X-Men #4 (Marvel) is still illustrated by John Romita Jnr. but this time written by Jonathan Hickman.
Also out (surely a misjudgement on Marvel's part) is my eldest son's most favourite comic in the whole universe AVX: Vs. #2 featuring the rather curious choice of Captain America vs. Gambit and Salvador Larroca illustrates Spider-Man vs Colossus.
There's a great Spider-Man story going on at the moment and it gets a one-shot tie-in in the form of Amazing Spider-Man: Ends of the Earth #1 plus Mark Millar and Dave Gibbons's Secret Service #2 continues the making of a teenage James Bond (both Marvel). Geoff Johns and Jim Lee begin a new story arc in Justice League #9 featuring (collector alert) a new nemesis and for those glued to the Night of the Owls Batman story, the cross-over continues in Gotham titles including Nightwing #9 (both DC). BPRD: The Devil's Engine #1 (Dark Horse) begins a new 3-part story and in Dancer #1 (Image) Nathan Edmonson & Nic Klein bring us cat-and-mouse action with an ex-assassin, a dancer and a dark investigation.
As ever, the entire list of releases is waiting for you just a click away near the top of the page.
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