Starting with a cute list of characters and copyright information the story begins in 1896 and Richard F. Outcault's The Yellow Kid because, crucially, it featured not only illustration but conversation. And this, already, is why The Comic Book History of Comics is so good; yes it runs through all the important creators, publishers and legal battles that have shaped the medium (something anyone who's a fan should be aware of) but it also considers the nature of the beast. What are comics? How are they informed by a wider context? How does Spider-Man fit in with the Pop Art movement and the auteur theory in film criticism?
This really is as essential a book as Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics for appreciating sequential art in all its forms including the business of comics - the final chapter is entitled No More Wednesdays - and its changing philosophy. There's a shared pod cast interview with Van Lente at WordBalloon (see here).

In the land of Weekly Treats Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham's Batman Incorporated #1 (DC) is the big release and Amazing Spider-Man #686 only sees Spidey facing the end of the World (Marvel)!
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