Well no new comics today then (see Bank Holiday Monday the 5th)
Goodness that's a God size hole in all our lives to fill and I for one am emoting guiltily in neglecting to post over the last week or so.Why so slack? Previews deadlines and general shop stuff got in the way.On top of that we've been discussing all the exciting signs of evolution in the mar
We'll post some bits and bobs about where we think the industries heading short mid and long term, and where we fit into to all this soon.By the way thank you all for supporting the shops since the big R swooped, time to wash it in to the gutter ala G.Orwell's Nineteen Eighty Four as seen in the 'Black Dossier'(get your copy signed by Mr O'Neill on the 17th May!) and treat it as just another adventure.Anyway it may all be over or in fact it may well be this years Batmite.
Still as I was placing the order for June shipping product it occurred to me that I could share with you a little of the thought process that goes into the shaping of the stock from month to month.I'll probably post it in little chunks publisher by publisher over the next 14 days or so or until I crash into the deadline of the 29th May.
Now I'll be honest it troubles me a tad that I'll be talking about product that's not due for months and months when we have SO much other wonderful (and sometimes not so wonderful, blame me) comics and graphic novels due every week.Still I'm going to go with this for the next few months and carefully

Oh we've tweaked the comics section layout this past week in the shop, to better reflect ie cope with the deluge of titles being published at the moment.Hope you like it and if you don't please give us some feedback on it.
Friday it is then, loads of new trades fairly Manga centric including the fantastic 'A Drifting Life' I'll post the full list later to

Marvels a little light this week...Deadpool, Cable and Marvel Zombies may well be the commercial highlights but I'll go with Agents of Atlas and Fin Fang Four Return #1 from Mr Muppet (Diamond US accounts only the swines) Roger Langridge.Ignition City, The Boys, Savior 28, Irredeemable and Cerebus Archive#1 make a lovely queer quintet of quality.
Hmm a very pleasant week, I like the cut of its jib.
See you Friday.
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