Also worthy of a goosey-gander is the re-print of Peter Bagge and Gilbert Hernandez' Yeah! (Fantagraphics), all-ages appropriate zaniness about a girl band. Comics can be fun folks and this one deserves to have the youngest member of your family let loose on it with crayons.

And then DC keep the Vertigo cannon firing with new volumes of House of Mystery, American Vampire and Unknown Soldier.
Moving on to the floppies, Thor #2 continues to tease us with thought of Thor versus Galcatus and Flash loses control of Venom and it's only the third issue. Action Comics #901 see the return of Doomsday; Green Lantern #66 heats up the War of the Lanterns and there's a new issue of the excellent Xombie (keep going Frazer, you can do it). Also, Kirby Genesis #0 from Dynamite should be worth a look as Kurt Busiek and Alex Ross (layouts only folks) work off characters created by King Jack Kirby.As ever, the full list of releases can be found lurking under the Features tab.
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