7 JANUARY 2015

Welcome to the start of another new comic year, and Marvel are certainly kicking things off straight away with the debut of new series for (hopefully) loveable schmo ANT-MAN, Original Sin/Agent Carter tie-in miniseries OPERATION S.I.N, and the world's most cheerful superhero THE UNBEATABLE SQUIRREL GIRL. I'm also very excited for the release of FEATHERS, an all ages, steampunk fairytale adventure that looks fantastic, and LADY KILLER, about a picture perfect 60s housewife who also happens to be a deadly assassin. Ms Marvel creator G Willow Wilson takes over as a new storyline begins in X-MEN, Fables spin-off FAIREST ends, as does HAWKEYE VS DEADPOOL, Matt Fraction's sellout space fantasy ODY-C returns, as well as new issues for HELLBOY AND THE BPRD, ANGELA: ASGARD'S ASSASSIN, BATMAN DETECTIVE COMICS, ANGEL AND FAITH, TREES, FADE OUT, EDWARD SCISSORHANDS, MIRACLEMAN and AMAZING SPIDER-MAN.
What are you looking forward to reading this week? Talk to us @DavesComics!

Escape From New York #2
Feathers #1 (Of 6)

WHY WE LOVE IT: In the footsteps of Archaia titles Rust, Iron, Will o' the Wisp, and The Reason for Dragons, debut writer-artist Jorge Corona brings a brand new voice to the comics industry with Feathers. With our passion for working with fresh talent, we could not be happier to introduce his work to a wider audience.
WHY YOU'LL LOVE IT: There's never been a better time for fantastic, all-ages comics that embrace both the darkness and beauty in life. Fans of Avatar: Legend of Korra, Mike Mignola, and Amulet will fall in love with Poe, the boy covered in feathers.
WHAT IT'S ABOUT: A reclusive boy born covered in feathers must help his first ever friend, a young girl named Bianca, as she tries to return to her home beyond the slums of the Maze. They must dodge street gangs and childsnatchers along the way, and perhaps together will learn the secrets to his mysterious past.
Garfield #33
Robocop #7
Woods #9

New story arc! Having barely escaped their confrontation with the swarm, the hunters have led Adrian, Karen, Calder and company to their breathtaking home base. But just when they think they may have found answers to what brought them to this alien world, a horror from the teens' past rears its ugly head...
Angel And Faith Season 10 #10
Ghost #11
Hellboy And The B.P.R.D. 1952 #2 (Of 5)

In Brazil, Hellboy and a small group of BPRD agents investigate gruesome and bizarre murders happening in the shadows of a sixteenth-century Portuguese fortress, but what they uncover is more terrifying than they imagined.
"Alex and Hellboy are a match made in heaven. Alex is one of the truly great comic book artists of this generation and the Mignola universe is going to show a whole different side to his genius."- Brian Michael Bendis
Lady Killer #1 (Of 5)

Josie Schuller is a picture-perfect homemaker, wife, and mother-but she's also a ruthless, efficient killer for hire! A brand-new original comedy series that combines the wholesome imagery of early 1960s domestic bliss with a tightening web of murder, paranoia, and cold-blooded survival.
Usagi Yojimbo Senso #6 (Of 6)
Action Comics #38

The Horror of Smallville has been unleashed on the world! Superman must stop the evil undead threat of the Ultrahumanite from crushing humanity!
Aquaman And The Others #9
Batman Eternal #40
Detective Comics #38

Earth 2 #30
Earth 2 World's End #14
Fairest #33 (Final Issue)

Flash Season Zero #4
Green Arrow #38
Green Lantern #38

After the relentless challenges of "Lights Out," "Uprising" and "Godhead," Hal Jordan heads to Earth for some much-needed R&R. But the results of his leading the Corps weigh heavily on his shoulders, as do the personal costs. The next perilous saga in the career of the greatest Green Lantern is about to begin - and Hal doesn't even know it yet! Guest starring Carol Ferris!
Hinterkind #14
Justice League 3000 #13,
Legends Of The Dark Knight 100-Page Super-Spectacular #5
Lobo #4
Hinterkind #14
Justice League 3000 #13,
Legends Of The Dark Knight 100-Page Super-Spectacular #5
Lobo #4

Continued from the pages of last month's BATMAN/SUPERMAN #17! Lobo's on mission to save Earth, and he doesn't have time for distractions - especially from the Last Son of Krypton! Get ready for Lobo versus Superman!
Names #5 (Of 9)
New 52 Futures End #36
Scooby-Doo Team-Up #8
Swamp Thing #38
Wolf Moon #2 (Of 6)
Names #5 (Of 9)
New 52 Futures End #36
Scooby-Doo Team-Up #8
Swamp Thing #38
Wolf Moon #2 (Of 6)

How do you hunt a werewolf if a different person becomes the monster with every cycle of the moon? The Wolf continues to elude Dillon, and now the trail is going cold. Hoping to uncover some clues, Dillon turns to a reclusive expert on werewolf legends, and what he learns crushes any hope of ever destroying the creature.
Army Of Darkness Volume 4 #2
Captain Victory And The Galactic Rangers #4 (Of 6)
Chaos Smiley The Psychotic Button (One Shot)
Army Of Darkness Volume 4 #2
Captain Victory And The Galactic Rangers #4 (Of 6)
Chaos Smiley The Psychotic Button (One Shot)

How horrible could the origin of Evil Ernie's best friend, Smiley the Psychotic Button, possibly be? Well... it involves Lucifer, mass murder, massive citizen complacency, the struggle to control hell, and the tastiest hamburgers your hard-earned 99 cents can buy, so horrible might not be descriptive enough. Plus, in a very special back up story, heaven unleashes its own trinket to battle the Smiley! The Holy Bedazzler is born!
John Carter Warlord Of Mars #3
Magnus Robot Fighter #10
New Vampirella #8
Red Sonja Vulture's Circle #1
Shaft #2
John Carter Warlord Of Mars #3
Magnus Robot Fighter #10
New Vampirella #8
Red Sonja Vulture's Circle #1
Shaft #2

Every great detective has their first case. For John Shaft, that first case seems simple enough. But tracking down a missing person for his girlfriend quickly turns into a matter of life and death. With the bodies piling up, Shaft realises he's in over his head. But can he stay alive long enough to figure out what is going on, or will his first case be the death of John Shaft?
Terminal Hero #5 (Of 6)
Edward Scissorhands #3 (Of 5)
Terminal Hero #5 (Of 6)
Edward Scissorhands #3 (Of 5)

When mysterious disappearances rock Megs' sleepy suburb, the gaze of the town turns back to a long forgotten legend: Edward!
My Little Pony Friends Forever #13
Shadow Show #3 (Of 5)
My Little Pony Friends Forever #13
Shadow Show #3 (Of 5)

In Shadow Show, acclaimed writers and artists come together to pay tribute to the work of the one and only Ray Bradbury! The first story featured is "Weariness," written by Harlan Ellison, which gives us a look at the end of the universe as we know it. The next story, "Live Forever!" by Bradbury biographer Sam Weller and Mark Sexton, brings Ray Bradbury himself into the story, as a young reporter unveils the master storyteller's secrets.
Skylanders #4 (Of 5)
V-Wars #9
WEIRD Love #5
Birthright #4
Deadly Class #10
Elephantmen #61
Fade Out #4
Skylanders #4 (Of 5)
V-Wars #9
WEIRD Love #5
Birthright #4
Deadly Class #10
Elephantmen #61
Fade Out #4

Sex and violence in the Golden Age of Hollywood. Charlie's flashbacks to the war affect his work, and his secret mission to solve a covered up murder.
And remember, like all BRUBAKER/PHILLIPS comics, the back pages of THE FADE OUT are filled with extra art and articles you can only find in the single issues!
God Hates Astronauts #5
Humans #3
IXth Generation #1
And remember, like all BRUBAKER/PHILLIPS comics, the back pages of THE FADE OUT are filled with extra art and articles you can only find in the single issues!
God Hates Astronauts #5
Humans #3
IXth Generation #1

In the future there is no more natural death, no needs unfilled and everything you could ever want is yours... as long as you're one of the ones chosen to live in this new Utopia and you're willing to subjugate yourself to these new self-proclaimed gods with "IX"s emblazoned on them.
Do the ends truly justify the means? Is a utopia built on genocide worth the price? Aphrodite, Velocity, Hades, and the other Nines establish fiefdoms in this new world and attempt to rule. Their internal clashes have escalated, but they are forced to put that aside as they face off against the relentless hordes of the Darkness. The sins of the past have come to claim those who would pretend to be Gods. The cybernetic future established in APHRODITE IX and CYBER FORCE finally comes face-to-face with the supernatural ARTIFACTS side of the Top Cow universe!
Nailbiter #9
ODY-C #2
Do the ends truly justify the means? Is a utopia built on genocide worth the price? Aphrodite, Velocity, Hades, and the other Nines establish fiefdoms in this new world and attempt to rule. Their internal clashes have escalated, but they are forced to put that aside as they face off against the relentless hordes of the Darkness. The sins of the past have come to claim those who would pretend to be Gods. The cybernetic future established in APHRODITE IX and CYBER FORCE finally comes face-to-face with the supernatural ARTIFACTS side of the Top Cow universe!
Nailbiter #9
ODY-C #2

Odyssia and her crew are tempted by the deadly and dangerous Lotus Eaters, living sources of the most powerful narcotic in the galaxy.
Roche Limit #4
Sinergy #3
Tech Jacket #7
Trees #8

Something is happening. There are shadows in the Chinese city of Shu, shadows falling across Cefalu and Puntland, and shadows crawling across the snows of Svalbard. Things are getting darker...
Crossed Badlands #69
Epochalypse #2
Crossed Badlands #69
Epochalypse #2

When a mysterious space-time phenomenon causes 600 years of human history to collapse into a single era, societies from the past, present and future are forced to coexist in a dystopian civilisation. To set the timeline straight, an elite team of Resynchronization Officers must rid the world of Anachronisms, futuristic artifacts that threaten the very laws of time. As timelines collide and tensions rise, the tragedy buried in Officer Johannes' past is revealed along with the mysterious Incongruity that ripped apart the fabric of time. Meanwhile, the authorities fight to maintain control of their increasingly fragile reality!
Eternal Warrior Days of Steel #3 (OF 3)
God is Dead #26
SIP (Strangers in Paradise) Kids #2
Eternal Warrior Days of Steel #3 (OF 3)
God is Dead #26
SIP (Strangers in Paradise) Kids #2

The kids are off from school for the holidays and everybody's headed to the local ski resort except Katchoo. Fortunately Francine has a plan to sneak her friend into the family plans. All they need is Freddie's help and a lot of luck! Don't miss the new issue of this acclaimed series featuring the cast of Strangers In Paradise as 6 year-olds!
Sonic Boom #3
Steam Tales #1
War Stories #4
All-New X-Factor #19
Amazing Spider-Man #12
Angela Asgard's Assassin #2
Sonic Boom #3
Steam Tales #1
War Stories #4
All-New X-Factor #19
Amazing Spider-Man #12
Angela Asgard's Assassin #2

What on Earth has made runaway Angela return to grimy old Earth?
Is it fighting? It's probably fighting. It's usually fighting. You know what she's like.
(Spoilers: It's not fighting. More spoilers: it does involve fighting, but she honestly wasn't planning it, no, really, honest.)
Ant-Man #1
Is it fighting? It's probably fighting. It's usually fighting. You know what she's like.
(Spoilers: It's not fighting. More spoilers: it does involve fighting, but she honestly wasn't planning it, no, really, honest.)
Ant-Man #1

Scott Lang has never exactly been the world's best super hero. Heck, most people don't even think he's been the best ANT-MAN -- and the last guy invented Ultron and joined the Masters of Evil, so that's saying something.
But when the SUPERIOR IRON MAN calls with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Scott's going to get a chance to turn it all around and be the hero he's always dreamed of being.
Sure he's been to prison! Sure he's been through a messy divorce! Sure he's been, um... dead. But this time is different! This time nothing is gonna stop the astonishing ANT-MAN!
Avengers No More Bullying #1
But when the SUPERIOR IRON MAN calls with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Scott's going to get a chance to turn it all around and be the hero he's always dreamed of being.
Sure he's been to prison! Sure he's been through a messy divorce! Sure he's been, um... dead. But this time is different! This time nothing is gonna stop the astonishing ANT-MAN!
Avengers No More Bullying #1

The Avengers have always stood up for those who cannot stand up for themselves, but this time they're in for a bombastic adventure of the highest order!
Featuring surprise guest stars from across the Marvel Universe including Spider-Man and The Guardians of the Galaxy!
Face front, readers! You won't want to miss this one!
Bucky Barnes The Winter Soldier #3
Death Of Wolverine The Weapon X Program #5 (Of 5)
Hawkeye Vs Deadpool #4 (Of 4)
Featuring surprise guest stars from across the Marvel Universe including Spider-Man and The Guardians of the Galaxy!
Face front, readers! You won't want to miss this one!
Bucky Barnes The Winter Soldier #3
Death Of Wolverine The Weapon X Program #5 (Of 5)
Hawkeye Vs Deadpool #4 (Of 4)

It's been a wild ride, but we made it to this loony limited's FINAL ISSUE!
You wouldn't want to be the only one on the block who doesn't know how the story ends, wouldja? A BOMBASTIC conclusion to an EXPLOSIVE adventure of the DYNAMITE team of Hawkeye (Barton), Hawkeye (Bishop), and Deadpool (not Hawkeye).
Hulk #10
Iron Fist The Living Weapon #8
Legendary Star-Lord #7
You wouldn't want to be the only one on the block who doesn't know how the story ends, wouldja? A BOMBASTIC conclusion to an EXPLOSIVE adventure of the DYNAMITE team of Hawkeye (Barton), Hawkeye (Bishop), and Deadpool (not Hawkeye).
Hulk #10
Iron Fist The Living Weapon #8
Legendary Star-Lord #7

Peter comes face to face with Mr. Knife! And you won't believe who's behind that snazzy mask. And all this craziness seems to have put a little strain on Peter and Kitty's relationship. You know what'll fix that right up? SPACE DATE! Or rather - SPACE PRISON BREAK! Peter Quill, what a catch.
Marvel's The Avengers #2 (Of 2)
Men Of Wrath By Jason Aaron #4
Miracleman #14
Operation S.I.N. #1 (Of 5)
Marvel's The Avengers #2 (Of 2)
Men Of Wrath By Jason Aaron #4
Miracleman #14
Operation S.I.N. #1 (Of 5)

Tying into the explosive events of ORIGINAL SIN, see an untold story from the origins of the Marvel Universe!
After an alien energy source is discovered in Russia in the early 1950's, it's up to Peggy Carter and Howard Stark to find out what happened. But a newly-risen terrorist group going by the name Hydra also happens to be on the hunt for their own nefarious purposes!
It's only when a mysterious operative going by the name of Woodrow McCord enters the picture to aid Peggy and Howard that they realise just how far some people are willing to go to keep the Earth safe! Megawatt writer Kathryn Immonen (JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY) is joined by rising star artist Rich Ellis (SUPERIOR FOES OF SPIDER-MAN) to tell an all-new tale featuring AGENT CARTER!
Punisher #14
Spider-Man 2099 #7
Storm #7
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1
After an alien energy source is discovered in Russia in the early 1950's, it's up to Peggy Carter and Howard Stark to find out what happened. But a newly-risen terrorist group going by the name Hydra also happens to be on the hunt for their own nefarious purposes!
It's only when a mysterious operative going by the name of Woodrow McCord enters the picture to aid Peggy and Howard that they realise just how far some people are willing to go to keep the Earth safe! Megawatt writer Kathryn Immonen (JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY) is joined by rising star artist Rich Ellis (SUPERIOR FOES OF SPIDER-MAN) to tell an all-new tale featuring AGENT CARTER!
Punisher #14
Spider-Man 2099 #7
Storm #7
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1

Wolverine, Deadpool, Doctor Doom, Thanos: There's one hero that's beaten them all - and now she's got her own ongoing series! (Not that she's bragging.)
That's right, you asked for it, you got it, it's SQUIRREL GIRL! (She's also starting college this semester.) It's the start of a brand-new series of adventures starring the nuttiest and most upbeat super hero in the world!
That's right, you asked for it, you got it, it's SQUIRREL GIRL! (She's also starting college this semester.) It's the start of a brand-new series of adventures starring the nuttiest and most upbeat super hero in the world!
Wolverines #1

Wolverine may be dead...but what will happen to his mortal remains, encased in something as rare and powerful as Adamantium? The battle for control of this valuable artifact has begun! But why does it matter so much... and why is a war brewing in Logan's name? Death is on the books for a dozen heroes and villains, and Mystique is playing chess with them all, including X-23, Sabretooth, Daken, Lady Deathstrike and more! Murder, mutilation, betrayal and trauma...none will be spared! X-Men #23
Wolverine may be dead...but what will happen to his mortal remains, encased in something as rare and powerful as Adamantium? The battle for control of this valuable artifact has begun! But why does it matter so much... and why is a war brewing in Logan's name? Death is on the books for a dozen heroes and villains, and Mystique is playing chess with them all, including X-23, Sabretooth, Daken, Lady Deathstrike and more! Murder, mutilation, betrayal and trauma...none will be spared! X-Men #23

The start of a brand new story penned by MS. MARVEL creator G. WILLOW WILSON!
When a sinkhole appears under mysterious circumstances in the middle of the Black Rock Desert, the X-Men go to investigate...
But little do they suspect that the phenomenon has connections to old allies...and enemies!
The start of a brand new story penned by MS. MARVEL creator G. WILLOW WILSON!
When a sinkhole appears under mysterious circumstances in the middle of the Black Rock Desert, the X-Men go to investigate...
But little do they suspect that the phenomenon has connections to old allies...and enemies!
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